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Sean lives within our hearts

Sean lived the lives of 100 men in his short 24 years here.  He was a scholar, baker of bread, drip coffee connoisseur, cyclist, photographer of nature, computer whiz, volunteer, friend, son, brother and so much more.

What is totally out of your comfort zone?  What are you waiting to do “one day”?  We have the gift of today, but as we have sadly learned, we are never promised tomorrow.  As we remember June 14, 2019, we will never understand the why.  Nevertheless, we can ask ourselves: What does life look like with Sean’s imprint upon us?   Is there a goal to tackle, a skill to be learned, an act of kindness that you can demonstrate that will capture WWSD – What Would Sean Do? 

Share your memories of Sean here and help keep his memory alive.

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